Our Company / Ethics and Transparency / Whistleblowing System

Whistleblowing System

The Alfasigma Group intends to promote its values and ethical principles with integrity and transparency and, to this end, has implemented a Whistleblowing System, which allows all those who get in touch with the Company (i.e., employees, suppliers, customers, etc.) to report facts and conducts (including omissive behaviours) relating to employees, independent contractors, members of corporate bodies or “third parties” of Group companies, which constitute, including only potentially, a breach of the Global Code of Conduct, as well as of laws and regulations

More specifically, the Company has implemented as a preferential whistleblowing channel the web platform dedicated to whistleblowing, EthicsALine, managed by a third-party provider and designed to collect reports, both written and oral, anonymous and named.

In case of an oral report, the platform alters the tone of voice, thus making it unrecognisable; if you would like to report by name using the oral channel, just state your name.
Irrespective of your choice, all reporting channels implemented by the Alfasigma Group ensure the confidentiality of the whistleblower, the reported person and the content of the report.
Reports must be made in good faith, based on precise and consistent elements and relate to verifiable facts.

In any case, reports concerning the following will not be taken into account:

  • Complaints of a personal nature or requests relating to the regulation of the employment relationship.;
  • Adverse reactions related to the intake of drugs marketed by the Alfasigma Group;
  • Emergency situations requiring immediate response

For details on the handling and processing of reports, please view the procedural system implemented by the Alfasigma Group.

Click here for the english version of the Whistleblowing Global Policy.


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