ALFATHON: One Spanish and two Italian teams in the final

The nomination of the Alfathon finalists took place during the first appointment with the INNOVATION TALKS, the Clubhouse room dedicated to technological innovation and health.

SituGel, CareLiver and PharmHack are the names of the three final projects of the Alfathon, the first full digital hackathon conceived by Alfasigma to give life to a long-term Open Innovation project. Three challenges were launched by the pharmaceutical company to contribute to research and innovation in the sector with over 40 participants and more than 10 European and non-EU countries involved. Among these, the projects of two Italian and one Spanish team stood out, proposing innovative and valuable solutions in the different areas in which the competition takes place.

Designed by Lluis Pascual Masiá, PhD in Medicines and Health at the University of Navarra and by Irene Santos Martínez and Maria Cholvi Simó, pharmacy students at the University of Valencia, SituGel responds to the need to develop a formulation platform capable of guaranteeing a prolonged release of the active ingredient thus maximizing its therapeutic action.

CareLiver, on the other hand, is an App for monitoring, prevention and data collection on liver cirrhosis, created as a support tool for caregivers, patients and doctors. Chosen as the best proposal among those presented in the Challenge requesting the development of software / hardware for the management of hepatic encephalopathy, it was conceived by Alice Bondi, Luca Cellamare, Luisa Cicolini and Isabella Poles, students of the Milan Polytechnic.

The Challenge no. 3 proposal, which aims to bring the pharmacist closer to its customers, PharmHack, enables an efficient and automatic interaction between the patient and the various players in local health, including the Doctor, Pharmacist and Caregiver. It is a platform developed by Aldo Pasca Raymondi, Steven Cortinovis, Paolo Liuzzi, Alice Chiappini and Giorgio Invernizzi to completely digitize commercial processes and similarly, in terms of therapeutic adherence, guarantee the management of the treatment plan and the performance agenda in the pharmacy, GP and CUP.

In addition to the projects that made it to the final to compete for the € 5,000 prize, there were many other innovative and cutting-edge ideas presented by young talent from all over the world. For this reason, Alfasigma has decided to give life to the Alfathon community, thus allowing all the protagonists of this digital challenge, the opportunity to collaborate and collect innovation ideas, with a view to Open Innovation that goes beyond the podium of the competition. “We are happy to have supported this Open Innovation project which saw the participation of young innovators ready to contribute to Alfasigma's Digital Transformation process - underlines Pier Vincenzo Colli, Alfasigma CEO -. The Alfathon, in fact, has allowed us to involve many valuable partners and stakeholders both internal and external to the company who will accompany us on this path of digital development and growth ".


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