Alfathon: over 300 registrations received from Italy and all over Europe

3 challenges: from chemistry to software, from technologies to devices to support therapies. The award ceremony scheduled for 2021 at the Alfasigma Pomezia plant. 

Over 300 registrations for the Alfathon, the ideas contest launched by Alfasigma at the beginning of November which closed registrations on the 30th. Now the registrations will be screened one by one. A third of these registration applications come from abroad, European countries and Russia.

​​​​​​​Participants will receive in-depth materials on the three challenges. The submission of proposals and feasibility projects is expected by the end of December.

The Hack Committee, which will meet in January to identify the finalists and nominate the winner, is composed of:

Pietro Ferraris - Golinelli Foundation, Matteo Vignoli ​​​​​​​ Bologna University, Bernardo Balboni University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Lorenzo Ridola Rome Sapienza University, Aghemo Alessio Hunimed Humanitas University, Carolina Carosio President of Fenagifar National Federation of Young Pharmacists, Ivan Gardini President of the EpaC Onlus Association, Matteo Fortini Civic Hacking, Andrea Bonaccorsi Pisa University and Achille Gallina Toschi Bologna Toschi drugstore.

A special recognition is addressed to the teams in the local area of Pomezia, where an Alfasigma production plant and a Research and Development center are located.

Partner of the initiative: StartUpItalia, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the University of Bolognathe Golinelli Foundationthe Municipality of Pomezia, NECSTLab - laboratory of the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) of the Politecnico of Milan, Camerino University, EPAC - a non-profit point of reference for patients with hepatitis and liver diseases, Junto innovation Hub and the laboratory of communication sciences students CommtoAction.


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